Dapper Create Table Use Code First approach in your application


The Dapper Plus CreateTable extension method lets you create a table in a SQL Server database. The CreateTable method returns the name of the table created.

var tableName = connection.CreateTable<Customer>(CreateTableType.Temporary);

Using the CreateTableType enum, you can pick the type of table:

  • Permanent: A regular table in your database.
  • Temporary: A temporary table is a local table made in the tempdb database that exists only during the connection (#mytablename).
  • GlobalTemporary: A global temporary table is like a temporary table, but all sessions can access it (##mytablename) and is dropped when all sessions that access it are finished.

Feel free to create Temporary or GlobalTemporary tables on your production server. However, unlike EF Core's true Code First approach, we don't recommend using this method to create permanent tables in a production database. There are better ways to achieve that! Nevertheless, this method is excellent for quickly setting up tables for testing or on .NET Fiddle.

In addition, a connection must be open when creating a Temporary or GlobalTemporary table since those table only live during the connection.

Create Table

The CreateTable extends your IDbConnection to let you create a table in a SQL Server database from your entity type.

There are 7 extension methods:

  • CreateTable<T>(this IDbConnection connection)
  • CreateTable<T>(this IDbConnection connection, string tableName)
  • CreateTable<T>(this IDbConnection connection, CreateTableType createTableType)
  • CreateTable(this IDbConnection connection, Type type)
  • CreateTable(this IDbConnection connection, Type type, string tableName)
  • CreateTable(this IDbConnection connection, Type type, CreateTableType createTableType)
  • CreateTable(this IDbConnection connection, Type type, string tableName, CreateTableType createTableType)

In these methods, you can find the following parts:

  • <T>: The entity type linked to the table to be created (passed via generic parameter).
  • IDbConnection connection: The connection to extend with the CreateTable method.
  • string tableName: The table's name to be created.
  • CreateTableType createTableType: The table's type to be created (Permanent, Temporary, GlobalTemporary).
  • Type type: The entity type linked to the table to be created (passed via parameter).
public static void Main()
	var connection = new SqlConnection(FiddleHelper.GetConnectionStringSqlServer());
	// Required only for `Temporary` and `GlobalTemporary` as the name only live during the session.
	var tableName = connection.CreateTable<Customer>(CreateTableType.Temporary);

public class Customer 
	public int CustomerID { get; set; }
	public string Name { get; set; }
	public string Email { get; set; }

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Create Table and Data Annotation

Like EF Core, the CreateTable from Dapper Plus supports most data annotations:

  • Table: To specify the SchemaName and TableName
  • Column: To name the column and the type.
  • Key: To note the column is part of the table's primary key.
  • DatabaseGenerated: To indicate if the column should be an identity column.
  • Timestamp: To show a column should be used for versioning and is of type rowversion.
  • NotMapped: To exclude a column from the table creation
public static void Main()
	var connection = new SqlConnection(FiddleHelper.GetConnectionStringSqlServer());
public class Customer 
	public int CustomerID { get; set; }
	[Column("FullName", TypeName="nvarchar(50)")]
	public string Name { get; set; }
	public string Email { get; set; }
	public byte[] Version { get; set; }
	public string NotMapped { get; set; }

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Create Table and Populate

Besides creating a table, you can also populate it with a list right after you make it:

  • CreateTable<T>(this IDbConnection connection, IEnumerable<T> items, string tableName)
  • CreateTable<T>(this IDbConnection connection, IEnumerable<T> items, CreateTableType createTableType)
public static void Main()
	var connection = new SqlConnection(FiddleHelper.GetConnectionStringSqlServer());
	var customers = new List<Customer>();
	customers.Add(new Customer() { Name = "Jonathan Magnan", Email = "info@zzzprojects.com" });
	customers.Add(new Customer() { Name = "ZZZ Projects", Email = "sales@zzzprojects.com" });
	customers.Add(new Customer() { Name = "Sara", Email = "sara@zzzprojects.com" });
	connection.CreateTable(customers, CreateTableType.Permanent);

public class Customer 
	public int CustomerID { get; set; }
	[Column("FullName", TypeName="nvarchar(50)")]
	public string Name { get; set; }
	public string Email { get; set; }
	public byte[] Version { get; set; }
	public string NotMapped { get; set; }

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Last updated: 2023-09-29
